HGF – HealthGrain Forum
HealthGrain Forum is an European Association with links worldwide. The association is an active network of universities, research institutes and industries interested in grain and grain based products. Its vision is that whole grain and high fibre grain-based foods assist consumers in health maintenance worldwide, help reduce health care costs and provide added value for companies in the production chain from farm to fork. The forum is formulating priorities for research and communication activities, with the overall aim of increasing consumers’ intake of protective components in whole grains.
Role in Healthferm
HealthGrain Forum is responsible for the execution of the training and capacity building activities. A series of webinars, virtual and face-to-face workshops, and summer schools will be organised for network-level training of junior and senior researchers in each of the areas of the HealthFerm project. The workshops and spring/summer school activities takes place in conjunction with the project meetings or in conjunction with HGF meetings. Bi-annual networking workshops are held where key experts in the field meet and work to develop better grain-based foods for better nutrition with the help of superior science. The HealthFerm partners and other HGF members have strong contacts with other relevant academics, major industries, public authorities, and NGOs, allowing to draw from a large pool of experts in different fields. HGF supports the organisation of autumn schools and spring meetings during the project, networking of HealthFerm junior scientists with the relevant industrial/academic bodies and act as a platform to continue the training after the project end. The activities implement content on programmes on food-chain sustainability and major scientific disciplines in the project, developing understanding across disciplines and creating training in the form of lectures from partners and leading visiting scientists. Also, transferable-skills training are offered.Team members