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Webinar on Health aspects of plant-based fermented foods: A Point of View from the HealthFerm Project

Another HealthFerm webinar happened on February 21, 2024! The webinar focused on the insights from the HealthFerm project related to health aspects of plant-based fermented foods.


  • Prof. Christophe Courtin (KU Leuven, Belgium)
    Presentation title: "Plant-based food fermentations: why do we ferment, how does it change the food and what should future research focus on"
  • Prof. Kristin Verbeke (KU Leuven, Belgium)
    Presentation title: "Expectation on the effects of plant-based fermented foods: potential mechanisms"
  • Prof. Marjukka Kolehmainen (University of Eastern Finland, Finland)
    Presentation title: "Evidence of the health effects of plant based fermented foods"

Moderator: Jan de Vries** (HealthGrain forum), in cooperation with ICC.

==> Recording of the webinar, please click here